My Time Among the Stars: The Collected Alustro’s Journals (Tales of the Fading Suns) is now available in ebook format. This book collects the journal entries that originally appeared in every
Fading Suns sourcebook, taken from the actual journals of Illuminatus Guissepe Alustro and translated for pre-Diasporan readers (i.e.,
you) by Bill Bridges. If you’re new to
Fading Suns, this is a good place to start. If you’re a veteran of the Emperor Wars, this is a good place to take a walk down memory lane (no,
not the “Chauki stride,” but a thrilling time with old friends).
• Kindle: You can get My Time Among the Stars in Kindle format at amazon and at smashwords(as a .mobi file).
• ePub (Nook, iBook, etc.): Available at smashwords.
Alert the Town Criers Guild! Please spread the word far and wide! Don’t leave Alustro alone in the Dark Between the Stars — bring a lantern to the Dark!
P.S. Visit Bill Bridges at his website, where you can read his blog and subscribe to updates.