Dragon Con 2016

Members of HDI will once again be at our local convention, Dragon Con, this Labor Day weekend.

Bill & Andrew together in one room:

Bill and Andrew will be chatting about the old, early days of White Wolf, along with James A. Moore. Come see us Saturday night!

Title: World of Darkness: 25th Anniversary
Description: Vampire: The Masquerade changed the face of horror and dark fantasy debuted in 1991. This hour will be a discussion of the early years of the World of Darkness and the industry it spawned.
Time: Sat 08:30 pm Location: Peachtree 1-2 – Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
(Tentative Panelists: Bill Bridges, James A. Moore, Andrew Greenberg)

Bill’s other panel about evil gaming — and how to do it!

Title: Demons, Devils, and the Occult
Description: How do you portray “pure” evil in a game? How can you add that touch of the sinister in your game? Can darkness and flames be portrayed without losing its mystique?
Time: Sun 08:30 pm Location: Augusta 1-2 – Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
(Tentative Panelists: Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R Cordell, Bill Bridges, Erik Mona)

Andrew’s other panels:

Title: Activism 101 and State Level Activism
Description: How do you change the world when there are such an overwhelming number of problems today? Does activism mean having to get arrested or does it require civil disobedience? We’ll explore the tenets of our democracy and ways to work within the system to make the world a better place.
Time: Fri 11:30 am Location: 208-209 – Hilton (Length: 1 Hour)
(Tentative Panelists: Amie Stepanovich, David Maass, Hayden Barnes, Andrew Greenberg)

Title: Niche Markets in eBooks and Print (for Writers)
Description: What are niche markets for writers, and what are the special considerations that writers face when writing for them? Are there truly financial opportunities to be had in writing for niche markets? What makes the most business sense?
Time: Sun 04:00 pm Location: 208-209 – Hilton (Length: 1 Hour)
(Tentative Panelists: Sascha Illyvich, Gail Z. Martin, Andrew Greenberg)

Title: 10 Rules for Dealing with Police Encounters [a must!]
Description: Knowing and asserting your rights along with common sense can greatly improve the outcome of any police encounter. Documentary by flexyourrights.org. A question and answer session will follow the film.
Time: Sun 08:30 pm Location: 208-209 – Hilton (Length: 1 Hour)
Moderator / MC for panel
(Tentative Panelists: Andrew Greenberg)

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