James Portnow has a nice reminiscence about Emperor of the Fading Suns, HDI’s classic strategy game set in the Fading Suns universe. Check it out below.
Category: News
The Sinful Stars sale
We’ve lowered the price of our Fading Suns short-story anthology The Sinful Stars: Tales of the Fading Suns. Now you can read a wealth of stories set in (and outside of) the Known Worlds for only $4.99!
Go to DriveThruRPG.com to get your copy.
Also available: My Time Among the Stars: The Collected Alustro’s Journals (Tales of the Fading Suns). Go to Bill’s site to see all the buying options — and you can download a free sample!
My Time Among the Stars — now available as an ebook
• Kindle: You can get My Time Among the Stars in Kindle format at amazon and at smashwords(as a .mobi file).
• ePub (Nook, iBook, etc.): Available at smashwords.
Alert the Town Criers Guild! Please spread the word far and wide! Don’t leave Alustro alone in the Dark Between the Stars — bring a lantern to the Dark!
P.S. Visit Bill Bridges at his website, where you can read his blog and subscribe to updates.
FASA Games to Publish Next Version of Noble Armada
HDI is pleased to partner with FASA Games for the return of Noble Armada!
Read FASA’s press release here.
Holistic Design Inc. Brings a Noble Armada to an iPhone Near You
Holistic Design Inc. today announced plans to release HDI’s classic Noble Armada space combat game on iPhones, iPads and Android devices. Noble Armada initially grew out of HDI’s “Fading Suns” roleplaying game and “Emperor of the Fading Suns” (EFS) computer game, and the mobile game, titled “Fading Suns: Noble Armada,” allows players to fight out classic battles from the other games or create their own.
“Players loved the grand strategy of Emperor of the Fading Suns, and especially the ability to battle it out on planets all around space. The Noble Armada miniatures game then let them play out the grand space battles from EFS. The mobile game lets us build on that even more, with players able to quickly build fleets, battle for dominance, and even able to play extensive campaigns for control of space,” said Andrew Greenberg, lead designer on Fading Suns: Noble Armada.
Continue reading Holistic Design Inc. Brings a Noble Armada to an iPhone Near You