Fading Suns RPG Designer Diaries

Hey, in case you’ve missed them, Ulisses is running monthly designer diaries for the relaunch of the Fading Suns RPG. Check them out here: http://www.ulisses-us.com/games/fading-suns/, and then check out the Ulisses forums for ongoing discussion among the fan community. And then come back here for Andrew’s updates on the Fading Suns Noble Armada computer game!

Kickstarting the Suns

Developer Diary 3

Using the FSNA Campaign Editor

We are debating running a Kickstarter for Fading Suns: Noble Armada. While we self-funded the game (read: I worked on it in my spare time rather than pay myself), there are a few things that would benefit from funding. These include:

  1. Hiring a programmer to port it to other platforms (right now it is only set for PC).
  2. Hiring an artist to make any necessary UI adjustments for those platforms.
  3. Developing and testing a campaign editor that is usable by anyone, and not just the game developers.
  4. Hiring both a programmer and artist to implement more spaceships and factions.

There are other things we could do with more financing, but those are the main ones. The main goal of the Kickstarter would be to finance those ports, so the game is playable on other platforms. That probably would not require much money. I am thinking it would run around $3,000. The secondary goal would be to create a user-friendly campaign editor, so players can create and share their own campaigns. You can follow me on Kickstarter as HDIAndrew, https://www.kickstarter.com//profile/hdiandrew

What do you think of Kickstarter campaigns? Is this something you might support?